by craigedmonds | Dec 1, 2019 | Case Studies
Custom Photo Gallery Case Study for Interior Design Company The Challenge Our client, Marbella Interiors, a local interior design studio based in the Marbella area needed an easy way for its website visitors to view over 350 images for different aspects of the home.... by craigedmonds | Oct 29, 2019 | Case Studies
Logo Design Case Study for Property Management Company The Challenge In October 2019, we have been tasked to create a property management website for a local company called “Salamanda Property Management” who have provided their logo which consisted of a... by craigedmonds | Oct 29, 2019 | Case Studies
Website Redesign Case Study – Property Management The Challenge Suncoaster Home Care had a wordpress website designed with Genesis framework a few years ago and maintenance of the site was difficult as the previous developer had coded in various custom features... by craigedmonds | Jan 8, 2019 | Case Studies, Customer Success Stories
Facebook Ads Case Study for UK Financial investment product (I.S.A’s – Independant Savings Accounts) How we generated 1,489 leads for a financial ISA Product on a spend of €25,000 over a course of 4 months aimed squarely at the UK market. Leads started off... by craigedmonds | Jan 7, 2019 | Case Studies, Customer Success Stories
Facebook Ads Case Study for New Development on Costa del Sol How we generated 111 Leads for €385k + new development property called Cataleya on a tight €1,000 budget. The English text ad was seen by over 84,000 facebook users across Denmark, Sweden and Norway.... by craigedmonds | Jan 6, 2019 | Case Studies, Customer Success Stories
Facebook Ads Case Study for Recruitment Campaign for a Real Estate Agent How we generated 212 candidates for a local real estate company after they were advertising in the local paper with little success but big costs. We allocated €250 on a campaign aimed at the...