Facebook Messenger vs Email (Infographic)

Email has been around for a long time and many businesses have used email effectively to build their business. However now there is a new marketing tool called Facebook messenger chatbot. In our infographic below you will find a few comparisons on how facebook messenger chatbot weighs up against traditional email.

Messenger vs Email – What are the Advantages? (Infographic)

by | 5 Jun, 2019 | Infographics, Online Marketing

With a captive audience of over 1.8 Billion users, 1.2 Billion of them active monthly on facebook messenger, it’s no surprise that facebook messenger is a very attractive marketing tool. Add to that the automated bot functionality and integration available to more advanced users, facebook messenger is a powerful marketing tool.

Below we have complied a few of the advantages of facebook emssenger over traditional email marketing. 

Facebook Messenger

Traditional Email

1 Click

Messenger is one-click subscription and no spam folder.
+3 Clicks
Type in email, click submit and confirm email

From click-to-messenger ads, you can send more messages in the next 10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 days, whenever you want.
Days or Weeks
You need to wait days or weeks before delivering another email to revent inbox fatigue and spam.
Immediate Generation & Demographic Insights

Gain a new subscriber when a user leaves a comment on your facebook page. Gain demographic insights about subscribers.
Slower generation & no demographic insights.
You get a name and an email address. A phone number if you are very lucky.
Open Rate average 80-85%

Customers can instantly engage in live chat, which helps to close.
Open Rate average 15-20%
Customers are still clicks away from purchase.

Your leads are already on facebook.
Must gather customer intel from various apps and analytics.

Want to Discuss Facebook Messenger Chatbots?

If you are a business owner interested in jumping ahead of the competition with a high converting facebook messenger chatbot, then feel free to contact us for a quick call.