by craigedmonds | Jun 5, 2019 | Infographics, Online Marketing
Facebook Messenger vs Email (Infographic) Email has been around for a long time and many businesses have used email effectively to build their business. However now there is a new marketing tool called Facebook messenger chatbot. In our infographic below you will find... by craigedmonds | Feb 2, 2019 | Infographics, Online Marketing
The Lead Generation and Growth Funnel (Infographic) Sometimes amongst all the noise the simple process of building your business can be lost. Our infographic tries to offer some clarity on how you should be approaching the lead generation process. Traffic comes from... by craigedmonds | Jan 18, 2019 | How To, Infographics, Online Marketing
The Leads Quality Triangle You need leads right? Should you go for cheap quality leads, the more expensive quality leads or a lot of cheap leads? As in life you can't have everything so you can only realistically choose one combination. Business owners in need of... by craigedmonds | Jan 17, 2019 | How To, Infographics
Blueprint for the Perfect Facebook Post Sure, anyone can jump onto facebook and write a post, but by tweaking a few components you can increase your engagement tenfold. Check out our infographic with some tips on how to boost your engagement! Post Copy Keep your copy... by craigedmonds | Oct 10, 2018 | Infographics, Online Marketing
10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2018 The online landscape is growing at an exponential rate and here our infographic shows 10 digital marketing trends that has seen growth in 2018 and continues to grow. Digital marketing is killing it in 2018! With the advent of...