Logo Design Case Study for Property Management Company
The Challenge
In October 2019, we have been tasked to create a property management website for a local company called “Salamanda Property Management” who have provided their logo which consisted of a free clip art image in very low resolution and 1980’s gradient style colouring. We felt that the logo needed refreshing and recommended to the client that we can provide some alternative ideas for a more modern and professional looking logo which will represent their company better.
The Solution
The client specifically requested that we incorporate the colorful gecko in the new logo, so our internal design team redrew the original low resolution gecko into vector format and then launched a logo project to our crowd sourced logo designers asking them to present their logo ideas.
During the 7 day logo design campaign, our logo designers generated 53 different concepts for the client to choose from. The client narrowed down the logo to a few choices and settled on the logo below which consists of a horizontal (right) and vertical (left) version with the gecko intact.
The Result
Salamanda now have a nice modern logo and established the foundation of the company colors which can be used in the website and their future branding. Below is some mockups of the new logo on some signs and merch showing instant brand recognition.