Samsung Tablets delivered to the Hospital Costa Del Sol!
This week, JUCRA Digital saw the 8th and final Samsung Tablet delivered to the Hospital Costa Del Sol! It has taken almost 2 months, what with stock issues and delays due to COVID-19, however, persistence was maintained with 8 Samsung Tablets, 3 Tablet Stands and 8 Tablet Protective Cases delivered to a grateful staff at the hospital.
On the 1st April Justin Parks, Chairman of the Costa Gaels Gaelic Football Club, and partner in JUCRA Digital, started a fundraiser on Facebook and in less than 2 days a whopping €2132 was raised! Thanks to the generosity of Club Members, local businesses and the general public, this money was used to directly benefit the patients, and doctors and nurses in the Hospital Costa Del Sol, in Marbella, during the height of the Corona Virus pandemic.
“A big thank you to the staff at JUCRA Digital and their efforts of getting the equipment ordered and delivered to where they needed to be. Without the team’s involvement, coordination and determination during the lockdown, the tablets most likely would have been delayed” said Justin Parks.
The tablets provided were a fundamental tool for the patients to be able to keep in touch with loved ones when the quarantine was at its height and no visitors were allowed. They were also used to watch movies, play games and generally pass the time, in addition, another benefit is that the doctors are able to use the tablets to show scans and/or x-rays, analyses and reports to the patients at their bedside.
Besides the monetary generosity demonstrated during the COVID crisis, we also had numerous people donating their own tablets, other electronic equipment, hospital gowns, and even boxes of hand-sewn face masks. The Hospital Costa Del Sol has created a dedicated webpage to give thanks to all the donors: https://solidaridadcovid19.hcs.es.
The last 3 months have been very long, but seeing these acts of kindness and the solidarity of the local community restores faith and helps us all to look forward to the future and a healthy “new normal”!
See our Press Release here: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/520176142/