Breaking up (badly) with your current provider

You are reading this article because you wish to move your services over to us but your current provider is causing difficulties with the break up.

Business relationships are a two way street and a service relationship is no different, however, there will come a time when one of the parties are not getting what they want out of the relationship and it's time to part ways.

Breaking up with your current provider does not have to end badly. There are plenty of reasons to move on. Being courteous and informed will increase the likelihood of a smooth transition to a new provider.

However, saying that, it's very common for vindictive providers to suddenly become "difficult" when you express the wish to go in a different direction. You might find that they will withhold or limit access to your services making it difficult for you to move on.

So what do you do if your current provider is showing signs of being difficult?

1. Keep Calm
Do not under any circumstances assert your authority in a rude manner. Be courteous and polite in all correspondence. This is business.

2. Know Your Rights*
Anything the provider has done for you, unless there is express written consent showing that ownership belongs to the provider, then you have automatic right of ownership. For example, if you paid the provider to produce a website, then under the "works for hire" rules you own the works. If the provider registered a domain name for you, you own it. If the provider set up hosting and you paid for the hosting, you have rights to the hosting account. If they setup an ad account on your behalf, you have rights to access it. Bottom line is: if they were hired to do a job, and you paid them, then the works belong to you. 

3. Make sure you are paid up
If you owe the old provider any bills, make sure they are paid up. A provider would be within their rights to withhold access to services if they are not paid. For example, if they were paid to make a website and you did not pay them, then they do not have to hand it over. If they set up a hosting account and its not paid for or overdue, they do not have to provide working login details. You get the idea.

So, What next?
As long as you are paid up, then no real reason why the provider would not be cooperative. Below is a courteous letter to a provider saying you will be moving on. Either send this to them via email or snail mail.


My business is undergoing changes and I feel that I have outgrown our relationship and therefore I am seeking the expertise of the following company to handle my dealings moving forward.

JUCRA Digital

They will be handling the following on my behalf:


Kindly, at your earliest convenience handover any details related to the above services to my new provider as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and if you have any questions please let me know.

* Laws vary from country to country so always seek legal advice.

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