Post Launch Checklist for Web Design

You are reading this article because we have launched your website and now we need to perform the post-launch checklist to make sure everything is in order.

Launching a web site is just the start of the journey, not the end.

Whilst, theoretically, you can launch a website without going through this list, checking off the items on this list is important to us to make sure that your site is launched correctly.

1 Ensure the site is visible to search engines and public
2 SSL certificates successfully installed
3 Images, media and links reference live URL
4 Broken Links Check
5 Webfonts integrated and working correctly on live site
6 Favicon created and visible
7 301 redirects are in place and working correctly
8 Website URL has been submitted to Google
9 Check new sitemap.xml
10 Site added to Google Webmaster Tools and sitemap submitted
11 Analytics has been set up and integrated into the website
12 WOM Account created and sent to client

  • post launch checklist, web design
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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