How to Increase FTP Visible File Limits in Cpanel/WHM

You are reading this tutorial because you need to increase the visible files in the ftp when using PURE-FTP.

By default, the PureFTP server on the cPanel set a limit to the number of files displayed through an FTP client. It is usually 10000, if you wish to view more than 10000 files through your FTP server, then you can follow-up this quick tutorial.

Who does this affect?: If you are moving a site, and the site has more than 10,000 files in a folder, say 50,000, then your ftp software will only show the first 10,000, the other 40,000 files will be hidden. So if you wanted to move or download all the files then you will only be able to move the first 10,000. 

You need to log in to SSH and run the commands below.

cd /etc

pico pure-ftpd.conf

Then just increase the LimitRecursion total as shown below.

After that restart PureFTP from the command line.

service pure-ftpd restart

NOTE: When Cpanel next does an update, that value may get written over so you will need to put in a permanent rule like below.

pico -w /var/cpanel/conf/pureftpd/main

Then adjust the value as shown below.

Save the file.

Run the command below to apply the changes using one of the WHM binaries invoked from the command line:

/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2 doftpconfiguration

Job Done!

  • pure ftp, pureftp, pure-ftp, increase limit
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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