How to vertically align text in a column in DIVI

You are reading this because you want to easily vertically align text inside a column.

Below is the effect you are trying to achieve, the text inside the column on the right is centred vertically no matter the screen resolution.

Desktop Version

Mobile Version

To do this is relatively easy in a few steps, you will edit the column settings and add some custom CSS to the custom CSS section in Divi.

Here are the steps.

  1. Open the row settings and select the gear icon to edit the rows.

  2. Click on the design tab.

  3. Under Sizing, find the setting for "Equalize Column Heights".

  4. Now you can save and exit the row settings.
  5. Open DiVI > Theme Options and scroll down to the custom css section and insert the following css.

    .et_pb_equal_columns >.et_pb_column {

  6. Thats It. Job Done. You might need to adjust some left and right padding, but in general, your texts should be vertically centred in the DIVI design.
  • divi, vertical, align
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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