Sharing Your Rackspace Webmail Calendar Feed with External Users

You are reading this article because you want to share your Rackspace webmail calendar with someone so they can view it in their calendar programme.

When would you do this?
For example, if you want to show your webmail calendar to someone in their apple ical or another compliant calendar you would enable this option,

Follow the instructions below to share your calendar in READ ONLY to someone outside the webmail.

1. Open webmail and click on the Calendar link in top of the page.

2. Right-click on your personal calendar and click on the edit button.

3. Choose the public or private URL and click to enable.

4. Click OK to accept that external users will be able to read your email.

5. Now you can copy the link and send it to someone or send the link via email.

6. The external user can then add the ical feed to their calendar software. When they receive the email, they just open the link in their web browser and their software should prompt to open.

7. The user then adds it to their calendar.

Then the calendar is added to the calendar software.

  • webmail, rackspace mail, rackspace calendars
  • 6 Users Found This Useful
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