Can you please backdate an invoice?

You are reading this article because you have asked us to backdate a paid invoice.

For example, the paid invoice shows the date as the 15th of January and you want us to backdate it to the 15th of December.

Once an invoice is marked as PAID, we cannot change the date on the invoice as our invoices are generated in numerical sequence and any changes to the date will put the sequence of invoices out of order which in turn can raise eyebrows during a tax inspection.

This might be of inconvenience to you but unfortunately we have to follow the letter of the Spanish Tax law which is very unforgiving.

Yes but I sent a payment in one tax quarter but you marked it as paid in the next tax quarter
Let's say you paid a proforma invoice on September the 20th and the new tax quarter starts on October 1st. We might have received the payment on 22nd of August, but the payment may not have been reconciled by our accounts dept until October 5th whence we will have marked the proforma invoice as paid which in turn will generate a final fiscal invoice. The payment date on the fiscal invoice will show as October 5th. It does not matter when the payment was sent, what matters is the date on the final fiscal invoice, not the date the payment was sent.

  • back date, backdate, taxes
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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