How to solve the Divi blog module hiding all blog posts

You are reading this article because you have used the DIVI blog module and when you look at your blog page, there are no blog posts showing.

There is a lot of theory behind what causes the issue, but what we have found that DIVI is assigning an opacity of 0 to the blog posts when the page loads, so they appear as hidden.

Our best solution for this is to set the opacity to 10 so that when the page loads, they are visible right away.

Open DIVI > Theme Options and add the code below to your Custom CSS file.

/* Disable opacity on divi blog post module */
/* see: */
.et_pb_blog_grid .et_pb_salvattore_content[data-columns] .et_pb_post {
    opacity: 10!important;
  • divi blog, css, divi
  • 4 Users Found This Useful
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