Wordpress Hack Repair Policy

You are reading this article because your WordPress website is hacked and you need it fixed as soon as possible.

JUCRA Digital will fix your WordPress website free of charge as long as you meet ALL the following conditions:

1. Your site is hosted with JUCRA Digital
2. You have a website care plan with JUCRA Digital (see website care plans)
3. You have been an active client with JUCRA Digital for more than 6 months

If your site is hosted with JUCRA Digital and you DO NOT have a web site care plan, then we will, as a courtesy, investigate the hack and decide whether we will repair the hacked site or refer you to an external company that specialises in hack repair, but, under no circumstances are we under any obligation to repair a hacked site.

Otherwise, we would have to refer you to external companies who specialise.

Here are some companies below that can fix your hacked WordPress site.

NOTE: we do not have any formal arrangements or receive a commission from these companies below. They are merely listed here as they are the most reliable companies we know of that can fix hacked WordPress sites reliably.

 Company   Cost  Link
Wordfence Starts at $490  Wordfence Hack Repair
Sucuri $500 per site per year  Sucuri Hack Repair

  • hacked wordpress, wordpress
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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