How to Set Up Thunderbird Email Client

You are reading this article because you want to set up the Thunderbird email client for use with our Rackspace email service.

If you need to add your new mail account to an existing Thunderbird client then skip to the bottom of this page, otherwise jump to step 1 below.

If you do not have thunderbird, you can download it here (it's free) 

We will have sent you a welcome email that contains your username and password. You will need the username and password for step 2 below.

Step 1

Open Thunderbird and click on the home page and select "Email".

Step 2

In the pop up that appears, you need to enter the details that we sent you in the welcome email.

For the incoming and outgoing servers, just use the following server name:

All the parts in yellow are the fields you need to change, it's very simple.

Once completed, click done.

Note: we run an autodiscover service so all the ports should be filled in when you use our server name so usually you can leave those as Auto otherwise you can put incoming port as:993 and outgoing port as: 465 (or 587). 

Step 3

There is no step 3, as long as you have done all the above, then Thunderbird should be working just fine.

Adding an Email Account to the Thunderbid Email Client

To add a new email account do the following:

1. Open thunderbird
2. Go to Tools
3. Click Account settings
4. Click Account Actions
5. Click Add Mail Account
6. Fill in the pop up with email address and password

It SHOULD automatically fill in the rest.

Then you want unified folders

7. Go to VIEW
8. Folders

All emails will come to a single inbox!

  • thunderbid, email setup
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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