How To Prevent Outlook Emails From Being Deleted After 30 Days

You are reading this article as you have noticed that emails in certain folders are "disappearing" from your folders after 30 days.

Disabling the AutoArchive or changing the AutoArchive interval will prevent emails from being deleted after 30 days in Outlook. Please do as follows:

  1. Right-click the specified mail folder where emails are deleted automatically, and select Properties from the context menu. 

  2. In the Properties dialogue, under the AutoArchive tab, you can check the Do not archive items in this folder option to disable the AutoArchive. 

  3. Note: You can also check the Archive this folder using these settings options, and then specify a longer archive interval, such as 6 months. 

  4. Click the OK button to save the settings.

    From now on, all emails won’t be automatically deleted any longer if you disable the AutoArchive, or will be deleted in a longer interval if you change the AutoArchive interval.


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