The mail server [] has been temporarily rate limited (Rackspace Mail)

You are reading this article because you have received a bounce-back message along the line of "The mail server [] has been temporarily rate limited".

So you would normally see a subject line of <Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender>

Then in the email body of the email, you would see something like the message below.

On occasion, a Rackspace IP will creep into the Greylist for the large ISPs like Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail etc when they detect a lot of emails eminiating from the senders ISP, in this case Rackspace.

Although, Rackspace uses a round-robin assignment system of sending IPs via their SMTP system, if the sender ends up being assigned a "bad IP", then they will get the dreaded NDR message above.

The ONLY course of action is to keep trying to sending and usually it will resolve itself within 24 hours.

  • rackspace mail, ip, greylist
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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