Recharging Fees for Third Party Licenses

You are reading this article to understand our policy on recharges for third party software licenses.

If clients want us to manage and pay for their software licenses, we will charge a €25 + IVA handling fee for each renewal.

Here are some examples of third-party licences.

- Wp Bakery Builder (has an annual fee appx $49 per year)
- Slider Revolution (has an annual fee of appx $59 per year)
- WPML (has an annual fee of appx $29)
- Gravity Forms (has annual fee of appx 69 per year)
- DIVI (has an annual fee of appx $65 per year)

If you have a WP Bakery License which costs USD 49, we will recharge you the equivalent amount of EUR + EUR25.

This means we will create an invoice to you for 74EUR + IVA.

License: €49.00 (converted directly from $49)
Handling Fee: €25.00
Subtotal: €74.00
IVA 21%: €15.54 (where applicable)
Total: €89.54

We will usually handle the licensing under one of our own accounts, managing the license on your behalf.

  • policies, licenses, wp bakery builder, policy, wpml
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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