[Spam] in the Subject Line

On occasion the spam filters will filter an email from a legitimate sender through to your spam folder on the server and its possible that you won't see it in your junkmail folder on your computer (unless you are using imap).

This is not the spam filters/servers fault, its just doing what its told. Spam filters grade emails on various spam criteria and when those criteria are met the email, whether its legitimate or not will end up in the spam folder on the server (unless told otherwise).

So if you are in the position whereby legit emails are ending up in the spam folder and it appears you are "missing" emails, then we would suggest that you follow the instructions below so that ALL email is delivered but those which are graded as potential spam will have the word  [SPAM] at the beginning of the subject line, providing to you a visual reference. 

To configure this feature please do the following
1. Login into the webmail system
2. Click on Settings in the top right
3. Click on Spam Settings
4. Select the radio button that says "Include [SPAM] at the beginning of the subject line"

From now on, any messages that are filtered and graded for spam will be delivered to your inbox but will have [SPAM] at the beginning of the subject.

TIP: You can always use your email software to filter such messages with email rules to put any of these emails into your junkmail folder.

  • spam, subject line
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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