New Ad Accounts and Budget Restrictions (Verification Notice)

You are reading this article because you have a new Facebook Ad account and are asked to verify your Ad account or stick with a low spend limit for the first few weeks.

If you have a new Facebook Ads Account its possible that when you run your first ad you will be restricted to a certain daily spending limit.

Requirements For Verification

To verify your business, you'll need ALL of the following:

  1. Proof of Business Registration
  2. Business address or phone number validation
  3. Proof of association with your business

1. Proof of Business Registration

You need to upload documents that prove that your business is a legally registered business with official authorities.
Acceptable document examples

  • Business licence
  • Certificate of formation or incorporation
  • Business Tax or VAT registration certificate

2. Business address or phone number validation

You need to upload documentation that shows your legal business name and either the address or phone number.
Acceptable document examples

  • Utility bill, e.g. a phone or electricity bill
  • Bank statement
  • Business licence
  • Certificate of formation or incorporation
  • Business Tax or VAT registration certificate

3. Proof of association with your business

To protect your brand and also ensure the trust and safety of the people on the facebook platform, prove that you're associated with the legal business entity that you're requesting to be verified.

Currently, there are two ways to prove association with a business:

  1. You can confirm by phone by answering a call at the phone number listed in the document used for phone number validation (see Business address or Phone number validation section).
  2. You can confirm by email if the email domain matches the website domain associated with your business. Email addresses with domains such as,, and similar aren't acceptable.
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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