This page is a guide to the steps involved before we can start doing ads for your business on Facebook.
We cannot run ads for you until all steps are completed.
The QUICKER you complete the steps, the quicker we can get you launched
Steps | Description | Due |
Step 1 Create business manager account and add JUCRA as agency |
You will need to create a FB business manager and grant access to JUCRA Digital as an agency. Link to tutorial |
Day 1 |
Step 2 Add JUCRA to FB business page |
You will need to approve JUCRA Digital to be able to access your FB business page. Link to tutorial |
Day 1 |
Step 3 Send credit card details to JUCRA |
You need to send us your credit card details so we can add your credit card details to the FB business manager system so that FB will be able to charge you for the ad spend. Link to credit card form |
Day 1 |
Step 4 Send JUCRA your ad assets |
You need to send us the assets for the ad such as copy, images, videos and lead magnet. We will request this from you or you just send to | Day 2-5 |
Step 5 Approval the ads created by JUCRA |
You will need to approve and sign off on the ad we send you so that we can launch the ads | Day 5-7 |