Mailbox has exceeded quota (Mailbox Full)

You are reading this article because you have exceeded (or about to) your mailbox allowance of 25GB and can no longer receive emails.

We offer a very generous mailbox limit of 25GB per mailbox which for most scenarios is more than enough, however, if you have been using email for several years and are in the habit of storing large emails, then over time this can use up your mailbox quota, the result being that people sending you emails will be "hard bounced".

NOTE: Email is NOT a file storage system, it's primarily a text communication tool. It's bad practice to send large attachments, ie anything over 1mb, via email. Current technology does not feasibly allow for unlimited email storage so we recommend that if you need to send large files, send a link to a file through a third party service such as wetransfer, dropbox or google drive.

Essentially you have two options to the dilemma of a full mailbox.

Solution 1 - The nuclear option (Free)

Simply start removing emails, especially large ones from the offending mailbox or delete old emails and keep recent ones. If this is not a viable solution for you and you need to keep all your emails, then the solution below will need to be implemented.

Solution 2 - Create an Archive Account (€4.50 per month)

Our solution to the dilemma of freeing up mailbox storage  without losing any emails is to:

(For the purposes of this article, let's assume the mailbox that is full is called:

1. We rename the full mailbox, to (note the addition of .archive to the name)
2. We create a new mailbox account called
3. We send you new login details for both accounts. 

The result here will be that your will be empty and that you can access all the old email on the and receive emails again on your original account.

NOTE: In some email software like Outlook, Mac mail etc, when you have two IMAP accounts set up on the same computer, you are able to (carefully) drag and drop emails between the two accounts which can be useful if you want certain emails to appear in the main account and not the archive account. Warning, however, depending on the file sizes and amount of emails you are dragging and dropping, unless you have a very fast internet connection, it's not recommended as it can be relatively slow to move emails between the two accounts.

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