You are reading this article because we have informed you that we are running PHP X-RAY on your...
Cron Job Command Format in CpanelHere we will show you some easy cron job format to put into Cpanel command field so that you can...
Enabling HSTS in CpanelABOUT HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) instructs web browsers to only use secure...
FTP Not Working (No Files When I Log In)You are reading this article because you created your ftp account in Cpanel but when you log in...
FTP not working when I try and connect (TLS/SSL)You are reading this article because you are trying to connect to our servers with FTP and "it's...
How to Create a PHP INFO file on my account?You are reading this article as you want to know howto create a phpinfo file on your hosting...
How to upgrade/update PHP on CpanelYou are reading this article because you want to increase/decrease the PHP version on your Cpanel...
I want to transfer my domains/hosting and/or email to JUCRA DigitalYou are reading this article because you would like us to take over your domain, hosting and/or...
Is PDO_SQLITE extension activated on your servers?PDO is installed across all PHP versions. PDO_SQLITE is part of the PDO package.In Addition,...
Multiple Cpanel Logins For Same AccountYou are reading this article because you want to have multiple Cpanel user logins for a single...
My site won't run on php 7+. What versions of php do you support?You are reading this article because you have a website on our servers and when you switch to PHP...
Reboot TimesYou are reading this article as we are in the process or will be in the process of rebooting one...
Stacking Multiple Domains onto one Hosting accountYou are reading this article because you are thinking to buy one hosting account and then adding...
The certificate will not renew via AutoSSL because it was not issued via AutoSSL.If you get a message saying your Cpanel SSL has expired and you login to Cpanel and see the error...
Using Our Servers as an SMTP RelayYou are reading this article because you have tried to use remote SMTP account credentials such...
What DNS Nameservers should I use?For your hosting at JUCRA Digital, please use the following nameservers. DNS NAME IP...
What is the difference between Jailed Shell and Normal Shell?You are reading this article because you have been granted shell access on our servers and want...
Why do you not offer unlimited hosting? Many companies do!You are reading this article to understand why we don't offer unlimited hosting space when many...
Why is my site running slow? Understanding CloudLinux LVE Resource UsageSometimes we are asked "why is my site running slow" or "why am I getting kicked out of my site"...
Your IP address has changed. Please log in again (cPanel Error)If you are getting errors like this when trying to access cPanel or your Webmail (on cPanel...