Backup Policy for Web Site Files

In order to ensure business continuity for our customers in the case of catastrophic failure of our systems or an issue on the client's side, we make multiple backups of all website files at varying intervals.

In short, we maintain full backups of your hosting account going back as far as 12 months and at any one time, we can be storing more than 45+ backups for any single client account.

All backups are stored on an external backup array with a minimum storage capacity of 50TB. This array is in a different part of the data centre where the web servers are stored.

NOTE: Customers are responsible for their own backups. Whilst we provide backups included in the price of the hosting services, this is provided on a "goodwill" and "best effort" basis and JUCRA Digital SL is NOT responsible for the integrity of backups and/or loss of data. 

Backup Type Description Retention Period
Daily Full Cpanel Backup The full Cpanel backup is a copy of all website files and databases. This backup is a "full account restore file" meaning that in the event of catastrophic failure from either client's side or server side the whole account is easily restored to the same or another server. 30 Copies (30 days)
Weekly Full Cpanel Backup Same as a daily backup, ie is a full Cpanel account backup but done every Sunday morning.  4 copies (1 month)
Monthly Full Cpanel Backup Same as a daily backup, ie is a full Cpanel account backup but done on the 1st of the month. 12 copies (12 months)

Policy Updated on 29/12/2022

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