
  Terms of Service - Web Hosting

This page is currently being updated.Please visit again soon.

 90 Day Warranty

When we design a website for you or perform some kind of works on your web site or software, once...

 Backup Policy for Web Site Files

In order to ensure business continuity for our customers in the case of catastrophic failure of...

 Charities and JUCRA Digital

JUCRA Digital has significant hosting and email resources to be able to assist registered...

 Email Support Policy

This page outlines our policy in regard to email support. By signing up for our email services,...

 Jerk Policy

You are reading this policy about what we consider to be jerky attitude and how we handle clients...

 Partnerships with JUCRA Digital SL

You are reading this policy because you are interested in entering a business partnership with...

 Payment Policy

This page outlines our payment policy for clients paying to JUCRA Digital SL.We accept the...

 Payments in "Cash"

You are reading this article as you want to pay us in "cash" in order to avoid paying IVA.Our...

 Recharging Fees for Third Party Licenses

You are reading this article to understand our policy on recharges for third party software...

 Support and Complaints Procedure

Turnaround times for support requests. For any sales and technical support related to our...

 Terms of Service - Domains

You are reading this page to understand our terms of conditions in relation to registering a...

 Third Party Provider Contact Security Policy

This page outlines our policy in regards to divulging information or providing access or making...

 This message has not been downloaded from the server - ios mail

You are reading this article because on your ios mail, you have received a message saying "this...

 Transfer Out Policy For Web Services

You are reading this page to understand our outgoing services transfer policy if you are...

 Wordpress Hack Repair Policy

You are reading this article because your WordPress website is hacked and you need it fixed as...