This tutorial will show you how to enable two-factor authentication for your user profile on...
Back up your email locally to your computer (IMAP)You are reading this article as you wish to backup your online email to your local computer. If...
Change Email Sending/Receive to every 5 minutes in Outlook and Mac MailYou are reading this article because people are sending you emails, and they seem to take a long...
Edit the password for a Rackspace email accountYou are reading this page because you want to change the password for one of your email accounts....
How To Prevent Outlook Emails From Being Deleted After 30 DaysYou are reading this article as you have noticed that emails in certain folders are...
How to Add JUCRA as a sub user on your paypal accountYou are reading this article as you need to add JUCRA as a sub-user to your Paypal business...
How to Increase FTP Visible File Limits in Cpanel/WHMYou are reading this tutorial because you need to increase the visible files in the ftp when...
How to Install Symfony on CpanelYou are reading this article as you wish to install the Symfony framework on your hosting...
How to Set Up Thunderbird Email ClientYou are reading this article because you want to set up the Thunderbird email client for use with...
How to Setup Rackspace Mail on Your DevicesYou are reading this article as you are using our hosted Rackspace mail service and you want to...
How to clean up spam entries in gravity formsGravity forms is a fantastic forms plugin, however if you have a popular web site it can become a...
How to clear your dns cacheYou have told me to "clear my dns cache" on my computer. What does this mean?There has probably...
How to display email address instead of from name in Mac MailTo identify phishing emails quicker, it's useful to display the actual email address of the...
How to format dates using the google sheets CONCATENATE functionYou are reading this tutorial because you are trying to join some fields and strings in google...
How to refresh your browserYou are reading this page because you are looking at a web page which has been changed but its...
Maximum number of connections from user+IP exceededWhen checking your email, you may sometimes see an error message stating, “You may have exceeded...
Photo snag list formatYou are reading this because we have asked you to send us references to stock photos.Its not...
Reset PRAM on MacYou are reading this article because your Mac is playing up, running slow or certain apps are...
Scanning Database for Malware if you think your site was hackedYou are reading this article as you are witnessing odd behaviour on your website and wish to scan...
Sending JUCRA Digital Envato Stock ImagesYou are reading this article because we have asked you to choose some stock images from...
What is a snag list?You are reading this article because you would like to know what a snag list is in relation to...