How to write a bug report

We know you don't like bugs. We don't like them either. But as they're an unavoidable part of online software, it'd be good for us to share how best to report issues to us to speed things along.

In short, here's a great rule:

If we can't reproduce the bug, we can't fix the bug.

When you report a bug to us, here's what happens:

  1. We read the bug report.
  2. One of us tries to reproduce the bug.
  3. If we can reproduce it, we investigate what's broken and fix it.
  4. But if we can't reproduce the bug...

Often bug reports don't include enough information. Meaning we have go back and ask for details so we can investigate. If you want to increase the odds we fix an issue, and fix it fast, help us out.

A great bug report includes the following:

  1. What were you trying to do?
  2. What did you click on or do last?
  3. What URLs were involved?
  4. What happened / what did you see?
  5. Is a username or password required to log in?
  6. What browser are you using?
  7. What operating system type are you using? Mac? Lion? Windows? Vista? XP?

  • bug report, reporting a bug
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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