Web design project procedure/steps

You are reading this article to understand how we approach and handle web design projects after the client has agreed to proceed with a new web site design with us.

A typical web design project, with some medium level of complexity, completed correctly, can take between 80-120 hours.

We have devised an organised and efficient procedure that consists of 10 main steps (in total there are appx 35+ steps) to ensure that web projects are completed within a reasonable amount of time and that the client understands their responsibility in relation to the design process.

Steps Name Who Time Budget Details
Step 1 Request logo from the client Client 1 day We request a copy of the current logo in vector or transparent png format. If the client cannot provide a high res version, we will take the low res version and redraw it. If we have to redraw, please add 2 days. This can be sent to hello@jucra.com 
Step 2 Request Site map from the client Client 2 days We request a list of the names of the pages they wish to have on their new site.
Step 3 WordPress installation and setup JUCRA 1 - 2 days We install WordPress on a dev domain and create the page structure listed in step 2.
Step 4 Request content from the client Client 5 days We will send a request to the client to give us the texts for the site.
Step 5 Site Design JUCRA 10-14 days We will work with you during this time to create the look and feel of the website and provide various options based on the initial discovery brief.
Step 6 WP Feedback Mode/Snagging JUCRA /Client 5-10 days We ask the client to review the site using WP Feedback and send us any changes needed. see: https://www.jucra.com/whmcs/index.php?rp=/knowledgebase/25/
Step 7 Request for launch Client 1 - 2 days We ask the client to sign off on the project.
Step 8  Launch site JUCRA 1 - 2 days We move the site from the dev domain to the live domain and make final checks.
Step 9 Post Launch Checks JUCRA 1-2 days We make various visual inspections to ensure that the site is operating correctly.
Step 10 Send client Website Owners Manul JUCRA 0 days We will send you a website owners manual so you have all the details about your site in one place.

Days = working days

  • web design, web project, procedure
  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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