by craigedmonds | Nov 25, 2021 | MIsc, Online Marketing
Why these 27 keyboard shortcuts will save you hours each month How many times have you wasted minutes (or even hours!) trying to figure out how to do the most basic of tasks in Microsoft Word, Excel, in your email, or in your web browser? Sometimes the simplest... by craigedmonds | Nov 10, 2021 | MIsc, Online Marketing
Using rules in your email client and why it’s important Modern businesses rely on emails for communication, marketing and customer service. This means our inboxes are very busy places, which can easily get out of control. Without proper organisation it’s difficult to... by craigedmonds | Oct 25, 2021 | MIsc, Online Marketing
How to avoid getting your email blacklisted JUCRA are passionate about making sure that your business email works at all times and that you can use it to its full potential as a marketing and business tool. That’s why we offer a business email service and are... by craigedmonds | Oct 7, 2021 | MIsc, Online Marketing
Do I need a disclaimer on my email signature? We recommend that businesses using email include a simple email disclaimer in their email signature to protect themselves against issues which arise from emailing. There are also more things to think about using email... by craigedmonds | Aug 12, 2021 | MIsc, Online Marketing
Ten Business Email Etiquette Tips Emailing is a fact of life for anyone working in a business environment. It is the most common form of business communication because it’s professional, quick, easy and it’s simple to track your conversations and stay up to date....